I've pushed myself in ways I have never even desired to! I'm stronger and I think in some ways more confident. A little lighter maybe but I can crush you with my calves believe you me!!!
Yesterday was a good run. I started a little before 8 and after like 4-5miles, I was still feeling good so I kept on going. Not sure how far exactly I went but it had to have been around 8.5-9. Longest one I've done by myself ever! The feeling good feeling wore off when my arms started getting heat rash around mile 7. The shirt I was wearing is fine for short few milers but not for longer runs. It was rather painful but I learned my lesson this time around for sure!
I'll be running in the South Nash Dash 5k next Saturday. I've been helping out my friend Kristy with it doing the social media side (facebook and twitter) and I am amazed at the amount of work that goes into these things!!! Kristy also got me hooked up with doing social media for I Run For The Party- they put on several runs throughout the year. So it's weird how I've become connected to a sport that I absolutely detested even just a yr ago!
I'm gonna keep on keeping on and hope to stay on top of blogging but I actually feel busy these days between runs, doing South Nash stuff, piano, making a scrapbook for a lady and then the kids. It's a good feeling though!!
And now, I leave you with a picture of my toe while it was finally healing after many ugly blisters in the same spot.

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