Monday, December 20, 2010

Phatty is BACK!

Miss me??

Well I am back and in training mode again!

Jon and I both signed up for the Country Music 1/2 Marathon on April 30th so it's time to get our butts out there and in gear! It's going to be great because Karissa and Jeremy are also flying in from Az to run it with us!

I haven't ran in oh..... 5-6weeks since I did the 10k the week after my last 1/2 marathon. Not a good idea! It's been so stinkin cold but today it was in the 40's so I was ready to rock. Plus I've eaten SO MUCH chocolate lately that I need to jog just to keep the extra weight on!

Today I went out and did 4 miles. Slowly but I did. I ran up a hill I've never been able to tackle before and feel quite accomplished about that! I'm not ready to pick up where I left off.. going 7miles a few times a week but hopefully in a few weeks, I'll be back there again and then some! Fingers crossed!

My weekend training partner is growing a baby at the moment so it's hard for her right now to train but once that dreaded yuck feeling goes away, she'll be back in the game with me!

So I'm once again tracking my progress. I SOOOO hope I make progress anyways! I'm ending this yr off much better shape then I started it that's for sure! 20lbs less (would be more but gained a bunch during the summer), completed 2 half marathons and with more motivation and drive then ever before. Not a bad yr I would say! So 2011 just HAS to be even better!!!